Are you stuck in a rut and lacking motivation in both your life and career? A personal coach can support you through this period and move you on in both thought and action. Our service is informal and practical, have a look around our web site or follow us on twitter to get a better idea of our successes and approach.
Life Long Learning is a complicated journey, twisting and turning through the river of life. We believe explaining why we do things is as important as how, never forgetting that “You Cannot Buy Memories or Experience”.
Our seminars for unemployed individuals are written and designed absolutely with the individual in mind, using case studies relevant with seventeen years community experience.
Our Adult Education seminars cover all aspects of personal development, helping adults to develop techniques to create their own journey in Life Long Learning.
Our series of Emotional Intelligence seminars cover all aspects of personal development from Creating Your Own Future…
- Creating Your Own Future
- Setting Goals and Making Decisions
- Building Confidence
- Stepping Out for Yourself
- Self Discipline
- Communication (Breaking Down Barriers)
- Interview Skills
- Solution Thinking
- Being Outcome Focused
- Reviewing Your Targets
What our clients say...

St Helens, N.S.W and Australian Rugby League Player. Key note speaker and Life Coach