Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:

The coaching I received has been professional and enlightening with sessions on self-talk and behavior displays which have really helped me with both managing a team of staff in a busy office and also in my personal life. The sessions have also helped build my confidence to take my career to the next level within the Company having received a promotion whilst working with Executive Solutions.
I cannot recommend Executive Solutions highly enough. Thank you for all your support over the last 6 months.

Posted By: P Williams
Willowbrook Hospice, St Helens
Willowbrook Hospice, St Helens

Posted By: Sarah
Personal Client, St.Helens
Personal Client, St.Helens

I felt ready to attempt employment about 6 months ago and started looking for anything that was available, again my sessions were tailored to this regarding interview skills and out the box stuff I had never done before, my success came from self belief and support.
I am now employed, good standard of living but with good people around me, my self belief is good and realistic. I had heard of Life Coaching before but was nervous, should have seen Exec years ago. Thank you for everything.

Posted By: Mike
Personal Client, St.Helens
Personal Client, St.Helens

Executive Solutions have added another dimension to the care and support of our partners and employees building positive relationships at all levels. The benefits are immense and support a now steady ship. We are looking to continue to work with them in the future to promote a positive culture in our business.

Posted By: Collette Price
HR Manager, Preston
HR Manager, Preston

Posted By: Karl Jones
Sports Coach, Manchester
Sports Coach, Manchester

As darkness descends
All of her fears arise
The tears of loneliness blinding her eyes
Her fists are clenched gripping onto the past
She knows she is falling, and falling fast
Her sleep is fitful
Her thoughts stealing her dreams
The voices, the faces, and the high pitched screams.
To begin a new day, a new life, a new view
Letting go she knows, she must do
It`s time to release, to begin to breath
To uncurl the fists, and to let the wounds heal
As the seasons change
She begins to grow
Like the blossoming bulbs, and the crisp white snow
Her eyes are open as never before
No longer afraid to open the door.
As she stands at the crossroads facing the sun
All the shadows behind her, not needing to run
The path that she chooses, once gripped her with fear
Is now open and yielding and her vision is clear
The journey is daunting, the companions few
She knows it is time to start anew
For life to begin as never before
No longer afraid to open the door.

Posted By: H.M. Seguro

We initially used them for our senior management team in order to help set goals (personally and professionally), develop in their role and to help their teams develop, cope under pressure, gain more confidence and to be able to manage change.
Our managers also accessed Executive Solutions on a one to one basis and they were able to help them with any problems they had and gave productive advice and solutions in how to deal with this.
We also had group sessions through Executive Solutions with the rest of our staff. The group sessions are very positive and inspiring.
I would definitely recommend Executive Solutions to any business or individual looking to develop themselves and/or their career.

Posted By: Kate Fletcher
HR/Admin Manager, PR Scully & Co Solicitors, St Helens
HR/Admin Manager, PR Scully & Co Solicitors, St Helens

The sessions were highly motivational and the young players were able to take a hard look at what the future potentially holds for them, both positive & negative from sporting, academic and work perspectives, and set personal goals and challenges.
Our young people have extremely busy schedules and these sessions were highly valuable in allowing the players to see how all their actions and choices have the potential to impact upon one another, again reinforcing the overall message of personal responsibility.
Whilst the players found the sessions very intense they also found them highly thought provoking, and for this reason i can't thank Executive Solutions enough for helping our young players fulfill their potential.

Posted By: Josh Perry
St Helens, N.S.W and Australian Rugby League player. Key note speaker and life coach
St Helens, N.S.W and Australian Rugby League player. Key note speaker and life coach

We believe these sessions to be invaluable in the development of our athletes and feel that the support we receive from Executive Solutions is an essential asset.
I would recommend Executive Solutions to any individual or company who is serious about forging ahead in their field.

Posted By: Steve Leonard
Rugby League Development Manager for St Helens and Merseyside
Rugby League Development Manager for St Helens and Merseyside
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